Hello Yogis,
Halloween may be approaching but with everything that is going on at the moment, this world is certainly feeling a little crazy and I think many of us are in danger of walking around like zombies, just surviving and feeding off the energy of fear rather than love.
This is manifesting as some of us feeling very spooked by the prospect of the months to come.
I do know of a lot of people though who are suffering from stress, anxiety and also depression following the last couple of years. With what is being advertised as a struggle moving forward; I wanted to give some tools to view the next few months from inside a different box.
Bringing expectations back to basic pleasures and recognising the choices and personal powers that are available, can help to keep mood and momentum high, while we ride this out together.
**I am aware that many are finding ends hard to meet and there is great uncertainty moving forward. In light of this if you or anyone one you know has been severely impacted of late and they need help by receiving the gift of some classes or treatments, I can offer some concessions if there is space available. Discretion is assured.**
A simple but accessible shift in the focus we have on day to day life, can help to shift one’s perspective from one of lack and desperation to one of fulfilment and personal abundance. It takes a little practice but it is very effective!
These small steps have helped me to move into the side of myself that is present and feeling abundant. This is where fear ends and love and joy begin.
Below are some simple day to day activities that can help to keep you present and focusing away from the fear that is being generated on a daily basis.
Gratitude for the food you eat.
How often to you consciously give thanks for the meal you eat, and give thanks to the person who made it, whether that is you or someone else? Genuine recognition and gratitude for something so fundamental to life is very powerful.
Eat only until you are just satisfied.
When we don’t eat to excess, there is a harmony that seems to take place in the body and mind. When one is too full, it’s as if joy is given way to the body’s having to work extra hard to process to food that has just been eaten.
Eating as many natural foods as possible.
It can be tempting to go for quick meals but they are often far more expensive and the presence of cooking and preparing just isn’t there. Remember the food receives the energy of your intention as you prepare it. The satisfaction from eating food that has been lovingly cooked will feed the whole body, mind and spirit.
Eat with family if at all possible.
Make it a ritual that is honoured and respected by all in the house. If you can’t all eat together, maybe there is time for a chat and a hot chocolate with no TV or electronic devices on.
That statement might sound counter productive but when you give of yourself unconditionally and with your whole heart, you have infinite energy from which to do that. You will notice the point when you drop away from your ego state and move into your heart. Here you are boundless.
Acts of kindness.
Noticing how good it feels to be able to offer others a small act of kindness each day, really does give one a mental and emotional boost. It doesn’t have to cost anything other than your time or a kind word to someone you love or even a stranger.
Notice your mood and impact on others.
We can get so grumpy and caught up in this fear and struggle. Instead focusing on loving the people around you, regardless of your worries, will help you to remember the other side of life and to enjoy just being with another.
Feel the freedom and liberation.
Notice how you feel when your love or your gift is given with no attachment to receiving anything in return, you may notice a feeling of freedom and liberation.
As I mentioned above, the feeling of lack that is building around us at the moment is taking away the feeling of personal power we should be naturally feeling. That personal power is not one used to sit on others, but one that comes from a higher place of love and presence. It is a sense of one’s own energy, rather than one adopting the energy of what is going on in the mind and psyche based on what is happening right now.
It is very important that you find time to connect to that personal power each day.
I recommend sitting for only 5-10 minutes twice daily, and practice letting anything and everything that is worrying you, weighing on you, or pulling at your heals; to drop away!
Allow a brief connection with how you feel without any of those worries. Notice that you can find that space, even for a few moments. It’s as if there is nothing beyond the moment you are in, and you have the power to decide what happens moving forward.
You may feel like you have had to daydream the scenario into being but it is there nonetheless and your nervous system will be feeding from the reprieve and peace you are giving it. You will also be aligning your vibration to your new vision. This sounds mumbo jumbo but it really works.
I have been reading a lot about quantum physics and there is firm evidence to suggest that what we think and feel, we manifest.
If you’re interested in reading a fab book on the subject, you might like to try ‘The Holographic Universe’ by Michael Talbot.
Recognising that we are all in this together and there for each other will make everything feel better.
Sending you love and happiness.
Don't forget to check out the classes and events I have going on this month.
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