My top crystal trio for this challenging time!

Hello yogis.

I thought I would share with you some of my trio of favourite crystals for use at this challenging time, and to explain a little more about why i feel they are of benefit. You may be drawn to other crystals. I will explain below how you can choose the right crystals for you at this time.

Lemurian Seed Quartz.

This is such a powerful crystal. I think Lemurian Seed Quartz is an important connection at this time because we are all in need of higher guidance and support due to the uncertain events that have been occurring.

Lemurian quartz is different to regular quartz because is said to be found buried individually in the ground, even though it is clear that it was originally formed as part of a cluster, as is regular quartz. Lemurian seed crystals were said to have been buried in the time of Ancient Lemuria when the civilisations were highly advanced and used crystals to store and send information. They became aware of their impeding demise so programmed the crystals with higher knowledge for later civilisations, such as ourselves to discover. Unfortunately not everyone can access the secrets that are held within these master crystals. They are resaved for the right soul and only then will their ancient secrets be unlocked. This ensures that the ancient secrets are only used for the good of the whole and not misused for personal gain. Being open and heart centred in nature will allow these secrets to be reviled.

Lemurian Seed Quartz have lines known as striations that run horizontally along the sides of the crystal, they are also usually quite cloudy on the surface com[pared to a regular quartz' shines sides, but they seem to contain great light from within. It is by running your thumb along the striation lines and meditating with the crystal that some of their ancient secrets can be received.

I also sleep with my Lemurian Seed Crystal under my pillow and carry it in my hand whenever I am out for a walk. It is always in my bag when I go anywhere and is beside me on the couch when I am relaxing in the evening.


Calcite comes in many forms and colours so it can be used on any and all chakras.

It is a fairly accessible crystal. I love calcite because it seems to work right at the heart of the matter with higher knowledge and intelligence. It cuts its way through situations and sends pure beams of light into the body, joining up the higher energy centres to the lower; thereby creating a wonderful tool for grounding these higher energies into this physical realm and raising the frequency of the person using the crystal, as it does so.

This cleanses the energy body and raises the vibration clearing away negativity and illuminating the higher powers one might hold, such as psychic or soul level memories. Encouraging them to come into view.

I also find them strangely knowing in their energy and reassuring in some way because of it. It is almost as though you can rely on them to deliver what is needed exactly when it is needed.

One of my favourite calcites formations is when it is embedded within an amethyst cathedral. It seems to direct the healing vibration of amethyst, in a concentrated form to whoever is in the line of reflection.

As a result of the above, calcite is an energy enhancer that also assists you in grounding the energy that is being brought in so that you can purposefully use it for the greater good through your actions in this physical world.

Mookite Jasper.

This crystal; when in it’s raw form ,looks like a slab of colourful clay. It is almost like a giant block of nouga or fudge and literally looks good enough to eat!

Jasper, despite it’s solid appearance is actually a member of the quartz family. It is an opaque form of Chalcedony, which is a microcrystalline variety of the mineral Quartz, meaning the quartz crystals are too small to be seen with the naked eye.

I am drawn to this crystal for is grounding, comforting and protective benefits. It is a great stress reliever. Rather than being dark and heavy like many a grounding crystal, it is so vibrant and colourful that it cheers you up and feeds your imagination while it is grounding you! It also stimulates your solar plexus which encourages confidence and strength of character. This helps us to cope with challenging situations and when there is constant change. It helps us to make better decisions and to see what is right in any situation, those things that may immediately be hidden from view. Your sense of aliveness and enthusiasm will increase.

It stabilises the physical body and promotes a health immune system.

This too is a fairly inexpensive and easily accessible crystal. Try getting yourself a small Mookite Jasper sphere and I bet you will not be able to put it down.

Choosing the right crystals for you!

The crystal s that are meant for you will find you somehow. You will feel an immediate connection to this crystal and you will feel as though you just don’t want to put it down. I own lots of crystals but I have one that has not left my side since I found it. It happens to be my lemurian quartz.

If you’re choosing from a picture or online, this is harder to know when it is the right one for you, so if possible, always try to find your specialist crystals in person.

I can help you to understand when a crystal feels right. The art is allowing yourself to just be in a relaxed state and let the natural feelings of being drawn and connected come to you. Try not to choose because of how a crystal looks, unless it is bringing up a subtle emotional response. Sometimes we just want to keep staring at a crystal and the longer we look at it, the more there is to see. Other times, its seeing something different every time the crystal is picked up.

Crystals are said to have certain properties but you don't need to go by that. If a crystal is calling you and it appears to be for another purpose, trust that the crystal knows best. It may know more about the energetic situation behind what is going on, than you do!

I am always really happy to offer advice. 

I also have a few crystals for sale. I am hoping to open a small online store when my website is re-launched. It is currently in construction.

In the mean time, please do not hesitate to contact me with any related crystal enquiry,

If you fancy booking yourself into a crystal treatment, to feel the complete power of crystals, I can offer you £10 discount with the code 'NEWSLETTER". There are a number of appointment times available.

With lots of love.


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