We are all fundamentally energy in motion, everything is energy in motion. The frequency of the motion, determines the way an object appears. Think of an electric toothbrush, when it’s stationary, you can see the individual bristles but when it’s oscillating at a higher rate, you can’t see the individual bristles.
As a result of this, we each hold an individual energy field. Through the law of entrainment, a stronger energy field can influence the frequency of a less powerful energy field.
When you walk into a room, you may often be able to sense the frequency of the room, we often interpret this as a pleasant feeling or an uncomfortable feeling. Sometimes we just feel like we don’t belong.
This is you intuitively sensing the energy of the room and recognising that it is influencing your energy field.
With that in mind, it’s important to remember that you are the guardian of your own energy, so if something or someone brings your frequency down, you are the one who can re-balance your energy or raise it to a level that is comfortable for you!
Take a moment to recollect an occasion when you felt happy and relaxed open and free and you may have had a feeling of limitless abundance, in either time, resources or both. Maybe it is a feeling of infinite love and connection. This is when you’re resonating at a high frequency with a feeling of love and connection moving within and around you.
Now recollect a time when you felt that your energy was impacted in some way, you may have been involved in a traffic altercation or perhaps you or someone you love has received some bad news. Maybe your feeling of inspiration or motivation; your creativity or feeling of connection to your path or the world around you, may feel limited or non-existent! This is an example of a lower frequency vibration.
Are your friendships and close family members resonating at your frequency. It isn’t always the case that we fit harmoniously with others but it is worth recognising when someone in your circle is ‘taking’ energy from you. You may be left feeling depleted or low on mood after spending time with them. Perhaps they ignite a feeling of fear or anxiety in you.
When you choose to stay connected as sometimes people are not always in harmony but that doesn’t mean they aren’t a valuable part of your tribe, it is important that you recognise how you can limit the drain on your energy by protecting it before contact and then replenishing it.
Sound frequencies definitely have an effect on your energy. You will experience this just by listening to different kinds of music for example. Notice how you feel. Some frequencies are not on a level that can be heard, such as electromagnetic frequencies but they may impact on your bodies energy levels. There are lots of articles on the internet that covers this topic so I won’t go into it here but if you do want to protect yourself from them, you can look at some of the crystals I mention below. The quality of the air that you breathe can impact on your frequency.
The cleanliness of your home and personal environment, along with the cleanliness of your body, both internally and externally, really does impact on the health of your energy field, Watching what you eat and drink, it’s purity and origin, along with how it is prepared for you all make a difference. For example, you can cook with good intentions and that positive energy and frequency will go into the food. This is why yogis of a certain level, prefer not to eat meat because they are ingesting the frequency of the animal and it’s last moments.
Your inner thoughts and emotions also impact on your frequency. They actually impact hugely! It is not always easy to change your thoughts and emotions so I find that if you do something practical, listen to a good song, go for a walk or exercise. Clean the house or car or meet up with a friend who is of a high vibration; all these things will really raise your frequency and help to lift you out of a depleted state.
It is not only the food you eat that can impact on your vibration, but the things you are reading, watching and listening to, too! Limiting time on social media, the news and soaps and films that have negative story lines, can also impact on you. If you can watch them without it affecting how you feel, then that’s fine but it’s worth making a mental note. I have supported myself through some very difficult times by watching comedy films and stand up comics. I have laughed myself out of a negative vibe. It really works!
If you are an energy healer, or psychic, you should also make sure that you are protecting your own energy and the energy of the room you are working from because whenever you are using energy, you are opening yourself up to other layers or frequency vibrations that contain spirits, and other beings that will have access to your body or the area in which you are working. This also applies if you are using divination cards or opening yourself up to receiving the ancient secrets of crystals.
Each morning, take a few minutes to sit quietly and use your imagination and your senses to place a light of protection around your body. I call upon my higher self to do this. I have become attune to how I feel when the protection is places. The energy around you shifts. If you work with angels or dragons or other spiritual guides, you can ask them to protect your space for you.
If you have been in an environment that has lowered your energy, you can ask the above to sweep through your aura and reset it to a higher frequency, I usually do this at night before I go to bed. For example, I visualise each Chakra and I use the energy of dragons to burn away any negative energy from each chakra, my aura and the room around me, and then I ask my higher self to replenish my energy with the highest vibrational frequencies I can take.
You can also use this technique to place protection around your room, home or car before you start your day.
Smudging your room or aura with sage is a great way of removing negative energy. You should always focus on putting light back in when you have removed energy. So visualising light or using a crystal in your fields to bring more light in, can be beneficial. I will list some crystals below.
A regular energy treatment, such as Reiki, Sound or Crystal Therapy will also re-set your aura and re-align your energy to the highest possible frequency.
A daily practice of Yoga will keep you grounded, which is a wonderful way of protecting your energy. As you ground your own energy to the earth, it is harder for another energy to deplete you. You also become more sensitive to what ‘feels’ right in your body.
The crystals mentioned below will help to keep you grounded, your energy clear of negativity and offer protection from frequencies that are of a lower vibration so you may like to carry one around with you in your pocket or on a necklace or bracelet, you can also grid your home or any room, such as the area by the front door, so that they can absorb the energy of people arriving in your home. You can also place them near to appliances such as Wifi routers or smart meters that may omit frequencies that are not harmonious to your wellying.
Do remember to cleanse your crystals by placing them in the moonlight regularly to keep them free from the negativity.
Shungite, Hematite, Smokey Quartz, Tektite, Jet, Amethyst, Organite, Fluorite. Carnelian
These crystals when worn or placed in a grid in the corners of, and or the centre of your room, home or workplace, will help to keep your frequency high. It is always worth having one of the grounding crystals on your person too, because as that high vibration comes in, you will need to ground it.
Clear Quartz, Selenite, Celestine, Kyanite, Herkimer Diamond, Apophyllite, Calcite of all colours, Sunstone.
There are plenty of others so don’t be afraid to let the crystals pick you!
As mentioned above, you can also place crystals into a grid formation in the room or house by placing one in each corner and one somewhere centrally. You then need to connect each external crystal back to the centre one, one at a time energetically by using either a crystal point of quartz or another high vibration and move from the centre stone to a stone, back to the centre and then onto another… setting your intention for the grid as you go.
I hope this helps you to remain balanced as the world slowly goes potty! There are lots of changes happening, and this ca be ungrounding, you may also feel your life is in a bit of a stand still. It’s important to recognise that you are more than the environment that is playing out around you and you have your own powerhouse of tools and the ability to apply them at will to keep your energy moving healthily forwards.
As always do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
My 1 hour treatments are just £30 as a reader of the Yoga Freedom newsletters and blogs.
With love and high vibration.
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