What do you want to change in 2025?

Hello Yogis.

What do you want to change in 2025?

How do you learn to walk the walk towards the best of yourself?

Whether you're stuck in a bind, dealing with a distressing situation or floating through life without a care in the world, did you realise you are subconsciously in alignment with a greater plan that is unfolding with each of your thoughts, each of your actions and also with the Divine law that is under pinning everything that is?

Sometimes we feel powerless in life, sometimes we feel powerful, either way we are at the wheel of our own experiences.

Subconscious thought patterns and hidden beliefs, blindly drive your life. When challenging situations arise, you may not be able to change the situation but you can begin to influence the way you approach it, and this will have a direct impact on the way the situation plays out.

You are living life not only through the power of your own free will, but also by the power of Divine creation itself.

A farmer can choose whether to plant crops, he has the choice of what crops he plants, when he plants them and how he looks after them, The Divine creative energy decides what the weather will do, what insects or pests interfere with the crops and also dictates whether the crops grow at all.

You may be finding resistance in life because the Divine has a plan for you that you may not quite feel ready for. This may be a personal problem or a community or world wide problem. The purpose of this is either to catapult your life into a completely new direction or it’s to encourage inner change and a building of a strength and inner understanding you’d not have otherwise known.

You are literally dancing with the Divine every day of your life.

What if everything is just perfect, and you don’t feel the need to change anything?

This is exactly why we face challenges. When things are perfect, where is the incentive to dig deep and to rise to knew levels of awareness and understanding?

Times in life when things are ticking along nicely, are rest bits and sometimes the reward for your stamina and hard work; following lessons that you have learnt along the way. Our innate essence is actually to be happy in life and to experience abundance, love and fulfilment. These qualities are sometimes present in life, and sometimes they’re not. You can begin to recognise your own inner flow and connection to abundance and even in externally challenging times, you can call on your own free will and a trust in the Divine plan, to help you to move forward and through to a new way of life, or to tolerate the storms you are in when you can’t change them.

Occasionally a soul has had many lessons in a previous life and therefore this life is full of abundance and fulfilment, sometimes a soul has chosen this life in which to learn some of the tough lessons and to grow spiritually, mentally and emotionally as a result. We are all on a unique path.

How can you use this knowledge to inspire your life in 2025?

You can choose to see the power you hold in everything, you can start to see life’s challenges as opportunities to learn and to grow. You can begin to trust the Divine path you have been given and learn to read its signs and signals, gathering a greater understanding of yourself along the way; and thereby leading you on journeys that your soul had planned.

It’s important to remember that for each one of us, there is a plan that includes the other souls that cross our path.

Some of these interactions are fleeting and momentary, sometimes they are in for the long haul. In all these cases, we are not only working in alignment with our own path, and the Divine path, but also with path of the person whom you are interacting. This can also be a reason why there are delays or unexpected situations.

Allow yourself to spend at least 10 minutes a day in complete silence. Sitting or lying down comfortably. If you have noisy neighbours, just accept that noise as background noise. You will soon begin to move past it and into a space of your own. If you can’t help but be distracted, use ear plugs or play some music without words or guidance to assist you.

This practice will put you in touch with the part of yourself that is driving you at a deeper level. You will begin to connect to your intuition and you will begin to know instinctively what feels right, when you’re feeling resistance, and whether that resistance is coming from within or outside of you. These are all invaluable insights that you can begin to work with.

It is important that you learn to ‘feel’ rather than ‘think’, that you experience life through an alignment with what your body is telling you, and not what your head is telling you. The mind is linked to the ego and it will always choose safety or familiarity, it rarely likes to be taken out on a limb. When you learn to ‘feel’ your way through life, your head may be saying no, that’s not sensible, but your body and energy field is radiating a very loud ‘YES’. Listening to this guidance is what will help you to move away from old conditioning and subconscious patterns and into your truth within a situation.

Should you find yourself in a situation you can’t control, as it involves someone else’s free will or practical circumstances are preventing that progress; notice the things around you and the thoughts and actions that you do have loving control over and this will empower you. Even a small amount of choice and empowerment goes a long way. One step at a time and you’ll be connecting to this inner wisdom on a regular basis.

The important thing is that you are becoming conscious of your thoughts, feelings and actions to make choices that are in alignment with what feels right for you in any given situation.

If in doubt do nought!

When you really have no idea what to do or when to do it, there is nothing wrong with trending water and going inward for a while. This will enable situations on the outside to change and move on, giving you more information to work with. You may also get some inner changes taking place and guidance that you can’t help but follow.

This can be a bit of a waiting game so be patient with yourself and recognise that all is well and under Divine guidance.

It helps to put things down on paper. Some of your worries, your desires, your insights and frustrations. This can help you to gain clarity on your perspective, your choices and the power play that you have in any given situation.

We all usually start the year with a promise of a ‘new me’ or ‘new life’, but how often do we revert back to old patterns? At the end of the day, no one is there to judge you, not even yourself!

Beginning to connect to your own feeling of love and purpose, whether that is simply to be kind to yourself and others, and to bring a smile to your day, will help you to raise your vibration to one that will eventually move mountains.

Notice when energetically, your feet are bound in mud and you’re weighed down, and allow yourself to make small steps toward the things and situations that light you up!

You will be bouncing into the future, with a spring in your step before you know it.

I will be running a very special workshop on Saturday 18th January in Kingsthorpe. We will be connecting with the authentic self and learning how to connect with, feel and then use the innate energy that you are, to help to towards your own healing and to empower your ability to manifest joyous things in your life.

Have a wonderful and very fulfilled 2025!

I'd love to hear your experiences, wants and desire so feel free to post below or to email me if you'd prefer.

Lots of love, Carrie-Anne. x

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